· Today when I came to my room (computer labs) in this early morning… I find that the power cannot up, because the power extension that we always use has burn and the switch has broken. Almost of all computer in this room get power from this extension. So this day is become a nightmare because we have nonstop computer class for today. Great…!
Inside My Life
Thursday, March 1, 2007
One Bad day
OCR Program in the headache day
27 February 2007
· Check up all computers for today. Nothing’s matter… all computer seems good until…
FYI: Since last night until now, I’ve got headache. It’s become worse when the aircon temperature drop below 200C.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Brochure Day
•Internet become worse from this morning to the end of works hours, many times Mr. Joel comes to my room complaint that his email cannot send. And I check it, many times too.
•The teacher was complaint to me too, asking what happen with the internet? Truly, I don’t know what happen… maybe this, maybe that? I don’t have a right answer..
•This morning Mr. Joel give me works, make the BIPS brochure for the next enrolment program. He said “use your creativity; make it attractive as possible as”. So.. this day is brochure day… because take a long time to flow the imagination from my head to this computer, considering I,ve never been a creative director.
•As usually as, in the snack time and lunch time… I watching and supervising kids for using and playing computers and internet.
•1 hour after lunch there comes a new job from Mr. Joel to make drawing that show process for complaints.
•Those job not yet finish, but I must attending the Monday meeting at 15.00
•After the meeting at 16.00 , I do a little thing on those documents and saved it tobe working in again on tomorrow.
•So... meet with u again with my new story tomorrow. Bye.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Feb 23, 2007 15:52 (local time)
· Check up all computers for today. Nothing’s matter… all computer seems good.
Makes me sad…
Ok, see you in Monday… have a nice weekend. Bye.
Feb 22, 2007 16:50 pm (local time)
· Check up all computers for today. Unfortunately.., I found a virus on BIPS 04 !, named Ilamo, it’s Trojan type virus, found by McAfee antivirus program. It attack IE programs, I have to take action to hunt that’s file b4 it spread to the network. After half an hour, finally the incidents can be handled. (huh..)
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Before this day
I will share my life with u...
20 February 2007
IT Man
· Check up all computers after a long weekend, to see if its ready to use.
· How about UPS ( uninterruptible power supply) ? Can we buy it? I didn’t have an answer…
Didn’t it silly? ( I’ve got information that one of our broadband sharing customer is
21 February 2007